As a world-help site, it's important to consider what we, as defacto stewards of our planetary home, should do. What do we owe each other, and our fellow creatures? I believe a non-zero-sum lens is essential to deriving principles where we, and others can thrive.
Begin by examining the subjective nature of morality, the importance of personal growth standards, and how confidence—both in oneself and in moral judgments—can guide our ethical compass.
Next, explore a deeper evolutionary perspective on cooperation and encounter Moloch, the metaphorical “god” of negative-sum games, both presented as series that delve into complex moral landscapes.
The paradox of moral licensing is that doing good can justify doing bad leading to zero-sum outcomes. But it gets worse with 'negative moral licensing' where we justify bad behaviour based on our perceptions of others' behaviour—a very negative-sum situation
Finally, we take a look at some specifics; how we attribute originality, how false equivalences can skew moral perception, and how courage may be the key to rescuing masculinity from a toxic path.